1932 - 2009


Sen. Edward Kennedy wrote this children's book about his dog.


(EXTRACTO - completo in http://kennedy.senate.gov/senator/timeline.cfm)

2009 - Senator Kennedy championed the health and employment provisions of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, which included incentives for the adoption of health information technology, provisions to expand access to unemployment insurance and to help those who lose their jobs to keep their health insurance, and investments to improve the quality of health. Senator Kennedy was also a leader in passing the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act to restore workers’ ability to fight pay discrimination, the first major legislation signed by President Obama. In addition, Senator Kennedy and Senator Hatch, led the enactment of the Serve America Act, which expands service opportunities for Americans of every age. Senator Kennedy has long been a leader in seeking to strengthen federal hate crime law. In 2009, the Senate passed the Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Prevention Act as part of the National Defense Authorization Act, and is working to see that this long-overdue legislation is finally enacted into law.

Senator Kennedy’s Health Committee was also the first committee in Congress to pass comprehensive health reform legislation called for by President Obama — the Affordable Health Choices Act that will reduce health costs, protect individuals’ choice in doctors and plans, and assure quality and affordable health care for all Americans.

2007 - .../...
Senator Kennedy’s College Cost Reduction and Access Act authorized the largest increase in student aid since the GI bill in 1944 and established a loan forgiveness program to allow more college graduates to go into public service. The Senator held the first Congressional hearing on Iraqi refugees, and was the lead sponsor on legislation granting special immigrant visas to Iraqis who worked with U.S. forces. Following an immigration raid on a factory in Massachusetts, Senator Kennedy worked with the Department of Homeland Security to develop guidelines on humanitarian screening for workers arrested in such raids.

2001 - Senator Kennedy’s College Cost Reduction and Access Act authorized the largest increase in student aid since the GI bill in 1944 and established a loan forgiveness program to allow more college graduates to go into public service. The Senator held the first Congressional hearing on Iraqi refugees, and was the lead sponsor on legislation granting special immigrant visas to Iraqis who worked with U.S. forces. Following an immigration raid on a factory in Massachusetts, Senator Kennedy worked with the Department of Homeland Security to develop guidelines on humanitarian screening for workers arrested in such raids.

1997 -With Senator Hatch, Senator Kennedy led the successful effort to enact the major Children’s Health Insurance Program, which has brought quality health care to millions of children in low and moderate income families. It is the most significant health care legislation in many years.

1989 -
Senator Kennedy won pa
ssage of the National Military Child Care Act, which established the Defense Department’s child care system that is still viewed as one of the best in the country today.

1983 - Senator Kennedy becomes a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee. He strongly supports nuclear arms control and opposes the Star Wars Program to expand the nuclear arms race into space.

1975 -
Senator Kennedy was an original cosponsor of the Education for All Handicapped Children Act,
which later became the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and requires a free and appropriate public education for children with disabilities in every state.

1973 - Senator Kennedy continues to improve legal services and emergency health services for the poor, and improve educational opportunities for persons with disabilities. After the revelation of several life-threatening research projects with human subjects, many of whom were Americans who were minorities, institutionalized or incarcerated, Senator Kennedy’s Health Subcommittee held 11 days of hearings into the ethical implications of human experimentation. These hearings resulted in strengthened regulation of human experimentation and the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects in Biomedical and Behavioral Research. In addition, Senator Kennedy and Senator Hugh Scott sponsor legislation f
or public financing of Senate and House elections. The bill is approved by the Senate but not the House.

1967 - "Senator Kennedy was a strong supporter of the school reforms in the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, the first comprehensive federal aid for public schools. He also made his first speech that openly questioned the Vietnam War.

1962 -
Edward M. Kennedy is elected to the United States Senate.

August 26, 2009


Senator Kennedy has authored more than 2,500 bills throughout his career in the United States Senate. Of those bills, several hundred have become Public Law. Attached is a sample of some of those laws, which have made a significant difference in the quality of life for the American people. Download the PDF document of his accomplishments here.




A Salute to Senator Kennedy

«President Barack Obama led a Kennedy Center crowd in a performance of "Happy Birthday," capping a star-studded musical birthday tribute to ailing Sen. Edward M. Kennedy.

The Massachusetts Democrat was honored at the Kennedy Center at an event Sunday night hosted by comedian Bill Cosby. Actresses Lauren Bacall and Bernadette Peters, singer James Taylor and conductor John Williams were among those who performed.

Toward the end of the gala, Cosby introduced Obama to loud applause from the performers and the audience. The president strode to the center of the stage and then conducted the performers in the birthday tune. Kennedy stood and delivered a thumbs-up from his balcony, where he was accompanied by first lady Michelle Obama.

The president later met Kennedy in his box as the performers sang "The Best Is Yet to Come."

Caroline Kennedy presented her uncle with her family's Profile in Courage Award, paying tribute to his efforts to reform the U.S. health care system. When reform becomes a reality, Caroline Kennedy said: "We will all have you to thank. ... We love you, Uncle Teddy.»


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