

Há segredos impossíveis, este é um deles

Quem é o Ex-agente do MI6 responsável pelo dossier entregue a Obama e a Trump que agitou as águas políticas e mediáticas pelo mundo provocando um tsunami ?

Christopher Steele, reformado dos serviços secretos britânicos, rapaz ainda nos seus cinquenta e picos, de bom porte, cabeça inquieta e olhar intenso, quando deixou o MI6 abriu, juntamente com outro ex-colega do meio,  a sua empresa de Inteligência, investigação e análise, a Orbis, sediada em Londres e estrategicamente colocada nas imediações de Buckingham Palace e a 10 minutos da sui generis MayFair.

De Christopher Steele diz John Sipher, um oficial sénior da CIA:
He's a squared-away guy, who was posted to Russia in the 1990's and helped manage its efforts against Moscow before retiring in 2014.
Those who know Steele or his work say that the widowed father of three children enjoyed a reputation as a meticulous professional among current and former members of the intelligence community.
The idea his work is fake or a cowboy operation is false – completely untrue. Chris is an experienced and highly regarded professional. He’s not the sort of person who will simply pass on gossip.«Steele is a very straight guy and if he puts something in a report, he believes there’s sufficient credibility in it for it to be worth considering.
Nigel West, historiador dos serviços secretos e de espionagem, amigo de Steele, refere-se a ele da seguinte forma:
Nobody is saying he believes in any of this. What he was hired to do was write a series of reports based on info he could glean from his contacts. His contacts are very good but they're more in the business community than the intel community. He's highly professional, very effective, he's an impressive individual, knows a lot of the people about whom he speaks.
Após a divulgação, pelo Wall Street Journal  seguida de muitos outros, da identidade do ex-oficial do MI6, Christopher Steele deixou a sua casa por temer pela sua segurança e pela dos filhos, particularmente no que toca à reacção do Kremlin - inimizade antiga, pelo menos desde a época do assassinato de Alexander Litvinenko, ex-agente russo cuja investigação esteve a cargo de Steele. O porta-voz de Putin disse hoje que o Kremlin não o conhece; mau sinal...

- Steele was head of MI6’s Russia desk.
- He has a network of sources in Russia.
- Steele has been trusted by the FBI and others with sensitive work.
- He has friends in high places.

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