

" Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door! "

Não tenho palavras para descrever o que sinto, e o que temo, perante o total abandalhamento dos valores de uma nação vergando-os à irresponsável e inconsequente vontade de um louco egocêntrico e megalómano.
Para além do óbvio, que atinge o coração da América e a coloca em risco acrescido, levantam-se gravíssimas questões na política internacional que não podem, de forma alguma, ser descuradas e menos ainda ignoradas

A inclusão do Irão na lista dos sete, primeiros, países aos quais as portas foram fechadas dá que pensar... Terroristas iranianos??? Refugiados políticos perceber-se-ia, um ou outro, mas terroristas?
O acordo nuclear com o Irão, passará a ser totalmente controlado pelos outros signatários, incluindo a Rússia... Nem vou escrever o que estou a pensar. Pois claro.
Iran says it will ban all US citizens from entering the country in response to President Donald Trump's executive order limiting immigration from seven Muslim-majority countries, according to an Iranian Foreign Ministry statement. "Despite the claims of combating terrorism and keeping American people safe, it will be recorded in history as a big gift to extremists and their supporters." CNN

As tropas norte-americanas que se encontram em solo iraquiano, em redor de Mossul e não só, encontram-se numa situação delicadíssima, totalmente dependentes da vontade do governo do Iraque e sujeitas a ficarem sem protecção ou apelo de um momento para o outro.

"Iraqis emphasized that the draft ban, as well as comments the president made to the CIA on Saturday suggesting that the U.S should seize Iraq’s oil for reimbursement money, could not have come at a worse time as Iraqi and coalition forces attempt to liberate Mosul in an increasingly bloody battle. Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi was forced to vehemently reassure the public this week that the oil is “the property of the Iraqis.” Aside from perpetrating distrust and division, some claim that the president’s remarks could even endanger U.S troops on the groundFOXNews 
“Iraqis are the largest victims of terrorism and now we are paying double the price,” one high-ranking general in the Iraqi Army, who requested anonymity as he is not authorized to speak to the media, told Fox News. “This has caused massive disappointment in the hearts of every Iraqi who is fighting radicalism.” FOX News
"We invaded Iraq and displaced people. We have since relied on Iraqis as partners to fight against ISIS. If we don’t want to deploy thousands of troops to fight these terrorist groups, then we rely on partners in Iraq and elsewhere. This policy sends a very negative message to countries where we will need indigenous support from translators and peacekeepers."- Clinton Watts - Foreign Policy Research Institute’s Program on the Middle East

Líbia:  20 de Janeiro, esse dia que ocorreu há apenas uma semana e que mais parece ser há um ano, foi assim:
US bombs ISIS camps in Libya"US B-2 bombers struck and destroyed two ISIS camps in Libya overnight, with initial estimates that over 80 militants were killed, US officials told CNN Thursday.
"The strikes were on external actors who were actively "plotting attacks in Europe," Secretary of Defense Ash Carter told reporters.
The mission was approved several days ago by President Barack Obama and is expected to be the last short-notice military operation ordered by him, according to sources."
A re-ocupaçao da Síria por tropas fieis ao governo e por tropas iranianas que combatem a ISIS (ao contrário dos russos que estão por lá a tratar dos seus próprios interesses raramente coincidentes) e a perda da "capital" ISIS em Mossul leva a uma deslocação de jihadistas e à ocupação da Líbia, instável, dividida e frágil.
Se a presença de tropas norte-americanas for banida da Líbia será muitíssimo grave, para todos.

Curiosamente países como a Arábia Saudita - pátria da única emigrante (que entrou com um visto de noiva de um americano) envolvida num ataque terrorista nos EUA (S.Bernardino Dez.2015), para já não falar em Bin Laden - o Paquistão, a Turquia ou mesmo o Qatar, o Dubai e outros Emiratos não se encontram banidos por Trump

Na verdade a "total and complete shutdown of muslims" não é nem completa nem total...

Trump mantém interesses comerciais e propriedades em muitos e diferentes países como a Turquia, Arábia Saudita (8 propriedades), o Dubai, o Quatar e outros  Emiratos Árabes Unidos (13propriedades)

On Aug. 21, the same day Trump created four of the Jiddah companies, he told a rally crowd in Alabama: “Saudi Arabia, I get along with all of them. They buy apartments from me. They spend $40 million, $50 million. Am I supposed to dislike them? I like them very much.”


Trump disse que havia de publicar as suas declarações fiscais.
Depois de eleito e empossado disse que não mostrava e acabou a conversa, sem mais.
Por que não? Ora... E ainda não veio nada a público sobre Putin, as sanções e o que mais daí virá
Donald Trump’s business empire owes hundreds of millions of dollars to a giant German bank cast into crisis by settlement negotiations with the Justice Department, a relationship some lawyers say sheds light on the massive financial entanglements he could face as president. https://www.washingtonpost.com


Pope Francis: You can’t defend Christianity by being ‘against refugees and other religions’ @Catholic Herald - 28 /01 /17
“You cannot be a Christian without living like a Christian. You cannot be a Christian without practicing the Beatitudes. You cannot be a Christian without doing what Jesus teaches us in Matthew 25.” This is a reference to Christ’s injunction to help the needy by such works of mercy as feeding the hungry, clothing the naked and welcoming the stranger. 
“It’s hypocrisy to call yourself a Christian and chase away a refugee or someone seeking help, someone who is hungry or thirsty, toss out someone who is in need of my help,” “If I say I am Christian, but do these things, I’m a hypocrite.”

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