

Guys, temos de arranjar uma maneira de ocupar os media este fim de semana, é fundamental, temos de retirar a atenção à gaja

Segue-se uma "brainstorm"de disparates e propostas absurdas.
Até que alguém tem uma ideia brilhante, se for bem representada...

Um atentado! Quer, dizer, um risco de atentado iminente não concretizado!

Amanhã, ao fim da tarde no comício de Reno, para sair nos noticiários da noite, está lá a imprensa toda...
Quando chega aquela parte do discurso:
I'm gonna built a great wall
I'm gonna create thousands of jobs
It's gonna be a huge success
We gonna live wonderful times,
o gajo levanta o cartaz a dizer "Republicans Against Trump" e arma a confusão;
nessa altura dois gajos, um da cada lado, gritam GUN!
And then what?
What? Ó pá, quando os tipos dos serviços secretos ouvem gritar GUN ficam possessos, só há que ter a certeza de que eles ouvem.
Então e o gajo do cartaz, vai preso?
T'ás parvo? O gajo do cartaz vai ser revistado e interrogado e depois deixam-no ir, é só um tipo a exercer a sua liberdade de expressão, a vítima de um engano
E se o magoam?
Comes with the job, a recompensa sobra prá conta.

Depois de ver umas 45 vezes o momento em que os agentes dos Serviços Secretos agarram o Donald cheguei à conclusão de que não vai ganhar um Oscar, duvido mesmo de que seja nomeado...

 Vídeo da assistência no final do post.

Poucas horas depois do comício em Reno, Nevada:

A Secret Service spokesperson said in a statement there was a commotion in the crowd and an "unidentified individual" shouted "gun," though no weapon was found after a "thorough search." 
...Austyn Crites, was then immediately detained and led out by a throng of police officers, Secret Service agents and SWAT officers armed with assault rifles to a side room.
A law enforcement official later told CNN no charges were filed against Crites.

After he was released from custody, Crites told reporters the incident started off when he raised a "Republicans Against Trump" sign.
“When I pulled out the sign, people around me were trying to grab the sign,” Crites told reporters, “And so all that was occurring was booing, of course. That’s what you would expect.” 
Crites said he was then assaulted by a group of people around him before anyone shouted anything about a gun. 
Several attendees told CNN they initially heard a person yell there was someone with a gun.
"... a guy in a red shirt just rushed right next to me, screaming, 'There is a guy with a gun,'" Shimon Cohen told CNN.
But asked if he saw a gun, he said, "No, I did not." 
Nota: No vídeo abaixo queiram atentar no "guy in a red shirt" com um boné azul e um auricular de tm na orelha direita que surge à esquerda do ecran por volta do 1:08; Já agora também podem reparar no loiro com barba e t-shirt escura, à direita,  que volta o olhar na direcção do primeiro (1:09) e segue observando até se pirar. 
Posso jurar que só vi as imagens da assistência depois de ter "considerado a hipótese" que descrevo acima mas se não perceberem por que a considero e por que valerá a pena atentar nas imagens têm duas opções: ou consideram que eu tenho a mania das conspirações e não pensam mais nisso, ou lêem umas coisas sobre linguagem corporal
A second person, Milton Zerman, said he "was watching Trump speak and I heard someone scream, "This guy has a gun," so I looked toward the guy he was talking about. It didn't look to me that he had a gun -- or at least I didn't see a gun -- but people were screaming that he did have a gun and immediately after that Trump was taken off stage.Trump was unharmed and returned to the stage minutes later to finish his speech. 
Donald Trump Jr., the nominee's oldest son, retweeted a supporter who wrote: "Hillary ran away from rain today. Trump is back on stage minutes after assassination attempt." - In CNN politics report

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